What Does My First Prenatal Appointment Look Like?

Birth Center Stone Oak is the ideal way to experience natural childbirth! We offer an unparalleled facility that creates an unforgettable home-birth experience with advanced medical support available to customize your birthing experience. We truly care about our clients and their families, and our clients LOVE Birth Center Stone Oak! You will too with our licensed midwives and support staff who serve our families in the San Antonio area. If you have choose us for your care, this is what you can expect from your first prenatal appointment.

Exceptional prenatal care is essential for the development of a healthy pregnancy, labor, and birth. Your prenatal visit is a time for learning, asking questions, and preparing for parenthood. What your first prenatal visit looks like will depend on where you are in your pregnancy. We take care of women from the very early stages when they are about ten weeks along all the way up to late transfers in their 30-37th weeks of pregnancy. That first appointment will look a little different depending on what week you are in and what you need during that time. Birth Center Stone Oak follows the recommended schedule for routine prenatal visits (the same as obstetricians.)


Birth Center Stone Oak Prenatal Visits:

  • 4-28 weeks: Monthly visit
  • 28-36 weeks: Visit every two weeks
  • 36-42 weeks: Weekly visits


If you are newly pregnant and coming in for your first prenatal visit, we block 2 hours of our time for you that becomes your time! There is paperwork, routine labs, a modified physical exam that we do for you, and there are a lot of questions to be answered, so we want to make sure there is enough time blocked for you to take care of you.

We provide a nurturing, sensitive environment where you are truly heard and respected. Building a strong relationship with each midwife facilitates trust, which is an important part of our prenatal care.

What to expect during your prenatal visits: 

  • 2 hours long session the first visit and then 45-minute sessions with a midwife for every visit after that
  • Meet and interact with all of our midwives
  • Patient education including counseling and recommendations on nutrition, fitness, stress management, and more
  • Birth preparation and labor plan
  • Talk through any questions and concerns (tip: keep a running list with any new questions you have between visits)
  • Physical monitoring to include blood pressure, pulse, temperature, swelling, diet, hydration, vitamins, urinalysis, weight, the position of baby, baby’s activity, and fetal heart rate
  • Review and assessment of your progress and how you are feeling


Call today to set up a private tour, get your questions answered by a midwife, and discover how our payment plan can work for you!