Are Membrane Sweeps a Safe Method of Induction?

Are Membrane Sweeps a Safe Method of Induction?

Are Membrane Sweeps a Safe Method of Induction?

Induction of labor is when your healthcare provider helps kickstart the labor process with a procedure or medicine. It is usually done when you need to deliver the baby before the natural onset labor due to an underlying condition affecting the mother or baby.


Doing a membrane sweep is one of the most common methods of inducing labor. This refers to when your healthcare provider uses an instrument or a gloved finger to manually separate the amniotic sac from the uterine wall. This helps release hormones and physically begin the process of labor.


Is it safe?


Yes, a membrane sweep is generally safe, given that the mother does not have any conditions that would make the procedure risky. This could be a placental abnormality (low-lying placenta) or any other conditions that would otherwise contraindicate vaginal delivery.


How effective are membrane sweeps at inducing labor?


While membrane sweeps are common, they are not guaranteed to kickstart labor. Their success depends on cervical conditions, gestational age, and the stage of labor you’re in.


What is the success rate of sweep induction?


Membrane sweeping can successfully induce labor in up to 84.6% of women. However, it varies depending on the above-mentioned factors.


What are the risks of a membrane sweep?


For uncomplicated, normal births, there are usually little to no risks. However, some risks include:

  • Slightly increased risk of postpartum infections
  • Light bleeding
  • Discomfort


Typically, the worst case scenario is that it might not work.


Is a membrane sweep better than pitocin?


Not necessarily. Membrane sweep and pitocin work differently and serve different purposes. A membrane sweep is lightly invasive, but it prevents the need for medical interventions. Whereas pitocin is a drug that acts like the hormone oxytocin and helps induce labor contractions.


The latter is usually used in later stages of labor when the contractions are weak or inadequate. Membrane sweep is used in earlier stages and may prevent the need for further interventions.


Is a sweep induction painful?


While it is subjective, most women find the procedure uncomfortable rather than painful. 


If you need an induction or membrane sweep, your healthcare provider will discuss the procedure and its implications with you before performing it. They’ll also be happy to address any concerns that you may have and find an option that works for you! Give us a call!

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Jami L. Johnson

Staff Childbirth Educator
Since 2010, Jami has passionately advocated for natural childbirth education, leveraging her experience as a Doula, Lactation Counselor, and Placenta encapsulator. Jami is honored to join Birth Center Stone Oak as their staff Childbirth Educator. Jami is committed to lifelong learning. She hopes to advance her education to become a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Her academic achievements include a Master’s degree and a Bachelor of Science. As a military spouse and homeschooling mother of four, Jami’s personal experience with natural childbirth methods enriches her professional role.
Cassie Sewell, Office Manager

Cassie Sewell

Office Manager

Helping others reach their full potential physically, mentally and spiritually is a passion for Cassie. For over 25 years she worked in full time ministry along side her husband running a business, teaching, fund raising and managing hundreds of volunteers.

Near the end of that career she also started caregiving for family members with various illnesses during their time of need. With over 15 years of caregiving experience she has worked with and advocated for both children and adults with a mirage of diseases and ailments.


Wellness is an ongoing study for Cassie. She began a journey into Holistic living after her first two children were born knowing it would improve the quality and longevity of life for her family.

Cassie is honored to be a part of Birth Center Stone Oak. Her initial interaction with the center was through her daughter who gave birth here. Working with like-minded women who keep the well-being of their patients at the forefront is inspiring.


A Dallas native, Cassie moved to the San Antonio area after her marriage to Jimmy Sewell and together they raised a family of 6 in the San Antonio and Boerne areas. They have been blessed with 8 grandchildren. Their family enjoys camping and hiking with their rowdy bunch any chance they get.

Cindy Lockhart, LM, CPM

Cindy Lockhart, LM, CPM


Cindy has been drawn to birth since childhood; one of her earliest memories is of crawling into a culvert to help a laboring dachshund. It’s hard to say how much the dog appreciated the help but the experience started Cindy on the road to birth work. She voluntarily spent many nights labor sitting horses and cattle and couldn’t help but question some of the interventions she frequently saw in ranch life; why did some cows need to have their calves “pulled” while others came trotting out of the woods, calf in tow, having “needed” no human help at all?

These questions grew in significance with the birth of her first child in 1990; a rapid and joyful delivery of a posterior (sunny-side up) baby, born en caul (in the bag of waters). A magical experience that quickly became dramatic when local restrictions limited her midwife’s ability to manage a hemorrhage- a situation that resulted in an ambulance ride and abusive and hostile interaction with hospital staff. The OB involved likely thought he was making a point in favor of hospital delivery for all women but Cindy walked away from the experience strongly believing in personal choice, the importance of well trained and properly equipped midwives, and the paramount importance of access to compassionate and understanding medical care when needed.

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Cindy moved to the San Antonio community in 2014 and has served many hundreds of area families. She feels strongly about the principle of a midwife for every woman and the importance of education and has helped to train over a dozen students, many of whom have become practicing midwives. She continues to work toward a supportive birth community where transfers to a hospital (when needed) are met with compassion and respect.

Cindy is very honored to be a part of the Birth Center Stone Oak team and to be serving alongside a diverse group of women while serving so many more.

Amber Gaddy, LM, CPM

Amber Gaddy


In 2014, during the pregnancy of her first child, Amber got to experience midwifery care first-hand. The midwives who cared for her and her unborn child during pregnancy changed her life. Their loving guidance showed Amber that she too wanted to be a midwife and be able to offer families the same gentle, supportive care that she received. Following the powerful homebirth of her first child, Amber continued to work as a doula and prepare for midwifery school. She began her formal education in 2018 with Midwives College of Utah and in 2019, began her apprenticeship with the San Antonio Birth Center and four amazing preceptors.

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Christy Rodriguez Stone Oak_upscale 2

Christina Rodriguez

Office Manager

Christy is a passionate birth doula, animal lover, and artist.  She graduated from Butler University in 2022 with a degree in Psychology.  After worrying that she would never find a job she truly enjoyed, Christy is overjoyed to have found Birth Center Stone Oak. “As the office manager, I have been gifted the opportunity to learn and grow personally and professionally while also forming meaningful connections with great people.” Working in a birth center setting is one step in her dream to pursue career in birth work. Since starting here in March of 2023, Christy has absolutely fallen in love with the clients and staff and can’t imagine herself working anywhere else.


Angela Gurno, MS, LPC, NCC


Working in the counseling field is a blessing to me, as is working with Birth Center Stone Oak. I previously had a private practice here in San Antonio and before that, I was fortunate to have several years experience in a broad variety of mental health and substance abuse settings.

My involvement with Birth Center Stone Oak began in 2012, and is close to my heart, not only because of the excellent work they are doing, but because being a parent myself, I know how important it is to have the right kind of support and understanding through this journey. Due to the change in dynamics within yourself, your family and especially physically to your body, there are sometimes issues that may arise where you need guidance and resources before and after the birth process. Oftentimes we do need help to work through these difficulties in order to rebalance families, enhance our coping skills and thoughts, and increase our ability to enjoy and live life fully.


Angelina Artho D.C.


Angie Artho, D.C. has been a chiropractor for over 10 years and loves to provide natural chiropractic care especially to children and pregnant women. Her specialization has allowed her to see the tremendous healing ability of these young bodies.

Dr. Artho attended Texas A&M University and received her bachelor’s degree in Agronomy in August 1999. After marrying and learning more about chiropractic she decided to pursue this great career and graduated from Parker College of Chiropractic (now Parker University) in January of 2004. Since then she has been delivering loving chiropractic care to countless patients.

She is married to Damian Artho, D.C. (Parker 2003) and has four kids, Allison, John, Nathan, and Aaron. A San Antonio native, she returned home over 4 years ago.

To book an appointment with Dr. Angie call 210-434-5772.

Dr. Angie’s schedule at Birth Center Stone Oak:

1st Monday of the Month 2 – 6 p.m.

The rest of the month are Wed, 10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Joi Brock, LM, CPM

Consultant Midwife

After my youngest became more independent, I knew it was time to start preparing for the next stage of my life. I had a strong desire to serve women and to offer services that would support her experience in pregnancy and birth. It was a natural transition to care for women as they traveled their own path of bringing their children into the world.

I began working with expecting families in 1998 as a birth doula, childbirth educator and licensed massage therapist, specializing in maternal and newborn care. In January of 2004 I began my midwifery apprenticeship training and had the amazing opportunity of “catching” first baby!  Upon completion of my educational and clinical training I sat for my national exam, and in February of 2006 received my Certified Professional Midwife certificate.  In June of that same year, received my state licensure as a Licensed Midwife in Texas. From massage therapy to childbirth educator to doula and finally to midwifery – each journey added to the skills and information I could share with mothers and their families; to benefit them as they walked their own path through pregnancy and birth.

Over these years I have attended over 750 births – each being unique and amazing. My philosophy is to return honor, respect and empowerment back to where it has always belonged – to the mother!

Through my journey as a midwife, I knew there needed to be a place for women and their families to have care on their terms – and thus Birth Center Stone Oak was born.  I am honored to be a part of the care families are offered by midwives at Birth Center Stone Oak. It is always a miracle to watch as a woman and her family work together to bring a new life into the world. Their love, commitment and amazing power can be felt at each birth.

  • Licensed Midwife since 2006
  • Nationally Certified Professional Midwife
  • Birth Doula and childbirth educator since 1998
  • Preceptor for the ATM Midwifery Training Program
  • Preceptor for the Midwifery College of Utah
  • Preceptor for North American Registry of Midwives
  • Board Member of the Association of Texas Midwives
  • Lifetime member of San Antonio Area Midwives Association
  • Member of Texas Coalition of Birth Centers
  • Member of American Association of Birth Centers
Jordan Brown, LM, CPM

Jordan Brown, LM, CPM


Growing up, I knew I wanted to help others. I wasn’t sure how, but going to nursing school was somewhere I knew I could start. I absolutely loved it and have worked in several areas, each field giving me new inspiration and passion for educating families and their support systems. In 2017 my husband and I welcomed our daughter into the world.when we began our family, I knew we were going to want an out-of-hospital experience, so we sought out the midwives here at Birth Center Stone Oak.

In my 41 weeks of pregnancy, I was more educated about my body and the process of pregnancy than I ever was during my entire nursing education. In 2017 my husband and I welcomed our daughter into the world and then 14 months later we said hello to our son. Each of the pregnancies and births were so different, yet there was consistency in the quality of wisdom and care provided to me and my family.

To say I was inspired is an understatement! I began my apprenticeship here at the birth center in 2019. Since then I am state licensed, nationally certified. I have attended countless births and supported families , attended breech trainings, become a member of the Association of Texas Midwives, and fallen absolutely in love with this “job”.

I believe that birth is a powerful moment, not only in a woman’s life, but for the whole family, and should be given the respect as such. When a woman looks back on this amazing work of birth she has done, it should be filled with memories of empowerment, respect and growth. It is my mission as a midwife to educate, empower, and encourage families as they walk their journey of bringing a new baby into their lives.

Erika Brown, LM, CPM, CLC

Erika Brown, LM, CPM

Clinical Director

After becoming a direct entry midwife in 2006, Erika founded and ran a home birth practice in Ohio for 8 years.  In 2013, she sat for the NARM CPM exam, receiving the credential of Certified Professional Midwife. Her license to practice midwifery from the state of Texas was awarded in 2014 when the decision was made to relocate to San Antonio. Erika’s involvement with Birth Center Stone Oak began in 2017 as a staff midwife and has evolved into being the owner and Clinical Director.

As a midwife, Erika has special interests in VBACs. breech birth, and water birth. She has attended nearly 1000 births. Every midwifery situation is approached with a foundational belief that birth works. Erika works to help parents become strong in knowledge and choice so they can in turn create strong families.  Because Erika believes that each family is unique, she can help you create a custom birth experience you will always remember.

Erika has 6 children ranging in age from 11 to 24 as well as two step children. Five of her children were born at home in water. When not practicing midwifery, Erika likes to spend her free time homeschooling children, attending Taekwondo tournaments, and cooking.

  • 2006 – Graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Michigan School of Traditional Midwifery
  • 2011 – Received breech birth and VBAC training at The Farm Midwifery Center in Summertown, Tennessee
  • 2015 – Sat on the Ad hoc Water Birth Committee for the state of Texas
  • 2019 – Breech Without Borders breech training
  • 2020 – Reteach Breech and Gold Learning Breech Birth
  • 2022 – Certified Lactation Counselor
  • Maintains membership in the Association of Texas Midwives and San Antonio Area Midwives Association